
Why advertise? Well, advertising on blogs has proven to be a very good avenue to increase sales and promote your business or goods for sale.  Here at Not Quite Donna Reed I see advertising as an opportunity to play "matchmaker", matchmaker, matchmaker make me a match...ooooops sorry, got lost in Fiddler On The Roof for a minute, anyway, advertising on blogs is a less expensive way to get the word out about your business, at least it is here. The mission of this blog is to encourage the homemaker in her calling to minister to the home and family God has blessed her with. With that in mind, all advertisers must offer that which will help or provide the homemaker with valuable tools to "keep home" and "encourage family".

All potential advertisers are screened by little ol' me and giveaways and review of products are part of the agreement. If for some reason my review would be negative, as I will always be honest here and never , ever offer any product or service I deem unsuitable, the sponsor may opt out of the agreement without publication of my review.  My rates are very reasonable and there are different packages available to suit not only the established business, but the growing or just blossoming business. 

Offering ads on Not Quite Donna Reed will be a splendid way to "match up" (that song is starting in my head again:) worthy products to the homemaker while allowing me to contribute to my family financially. If your interested or just have questions feel free to shoot me an email at: